

The following manuals are available for download
If the manual you require is not listed, please Contact TPS and we will email you a copy if it is available. To determine which manual version is correct for your instrument, switch it on and note the instrument's version number. The correct manual will usually have the same version number. If your instrument's version is between two manual versions, please download the earlier version.

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Manual Description
File Size
The Ranger V1.0 758 KB
90-FLMV Multi-Parameter Field Logger, v10.0 758 KB
90-FLT Multi-Parameter Field Logger, v10.0 998 KB
Aqua-C Conductivity-TDS-Temp Meter, v2.1 270 KB
Aqua-CP/A Conductivity-TDS-pH-Temp Meter, v2.1 384 KB
Aqua-D/Aqua-DY Dissolved Oxygen-Temp Meter, v1.0 117 KB
Aqua-DP Dissolved Oxygen-pH-mV-Temp Meter, v1.3 321 KB
Aqua-pH pH-mV-Temperature Meter, v2.2 289 KB
ED1-123400 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor v3.01 434 KB
hydroCHEM Hydroponics Dosing System, v4.1 1,467 KB
microCHEM-C Conductivity Transmitter, v1.02 200 KB
microCHEM-D Dissolved Oxygen Transmitter, v1.12 324 KB
microCHEM-P pH Transmitter, v1.1 179 KB
microCHEM-R Redox/ORP Transmitter, v1.1 169 KB
microCHEM-S Salinity/TDS Transmitter, v1.02 199 KB
microCHEM-T Temperature Transmitter, v1.1 152 KB
miniCHEM-C Conductivity Monitor, v2.01 325 KB
miniCHEM-D Dissolved Oxygen Monitor, v2.11 243 KB
miniCHEM-P pH Monitor, v2.12 393 KB
miniCHEM-R Redox/ORP Monitor, v2.1 289 KB
miniCHEM-S Salinity/TDS Monitor, v2.01 325 KB
miniCHEM-T Temperature Monitor, v2.0 302 KB
pH, ORP & Reference Instructions, v3.2 64 KB
pH Cube pH Meter, v1.3 166 KB
Platiniser for Conductivity Sensors, v1.1 59 KB
poolCHEM Pool/Spa Controller, v3.11 485 KB
proCHEM-C Conductivity Controller, v1.0 315 KB
proCHEM-S Salinity / TDS Controller, v1.0 324 KB
proCHEM-D Dissolved Oxygen Controller, v1.0 1177 KB
proCHEM-pH pH Controller, v1.1 637 KB
proCHEM-R Redox/ORP Controller, v1.0 168 KB
smartCHEM-C Conductivity-TDS-Resistivity-Ratio, v1.0 542 KB
smartCHEM-Ion3, 3 Channel Ion-pH-mV Meter, v1.0 633 KB
smartCHEM-Lab Laboratory Analyser, v2.0 1034 KB
smartCHEM-pH pH-mV Meter, v1.1 731 KB
TPS Bromide ISE Manual, v1.0 192 KB
TPS Chloride ISE Manual, v1.0 194 KB
TPS Cyanide ISE Manual, v1.0 83 KB
TPS Fluoride ISE Manual, v1.0 206 KB
TPS Iodide ISE Manual, v1.0 194 KB
WinTPS RS232 Communication Software, v1.0 742 KB
WP-80 pH Meter, v5.2 490 KB
WP-80D Dual Channel pH Meter, v2.0 507 KB
WP-80M pH Meter Meat Version, v5.2 641 KB
WP-80M Meat Version Supplement 41 KB
WP-81Conductivity-Salinity-pH-mV Meter, v6.0 505 KB
WP82-Y Dissolved Oxygen Meter, v2.0 413 KB
WP-84 Conductivity-Salinity Meter, v4.0 422 KB
WP-88 Turbidity Meter, v2.0 406 KB
WP-90 Specific Ion-pH-mV Meter, v2.0 432 KB
WP-91 Dissolved Oxygen-pH Meter, v2.0 522 KB